Leadership Team

The experienced team of executives at Carver is among the most courageous and innovative in the gold and Diamond industry. Our organization is led by a team with more than 40 years of experience in the Diamond industry. Carver heralds the beginning of a new generation of Diamond trading companies.


Darrell Bennett, President

Mr. Bennett is responsible for organizing and managing the purchasing of Gold and overall administration.  Mr. Bennett heads the Mineral purchasing offices in Sierra Leone and Liberia.   Mr. Bennett has established a relationship with a Gold refinery in the US.

Over the past 10 years he has organized/formalized relationships with Gold and Diamond suppliers in Liberia and Sierra Leone. He spent several years on the ground in Liberia organizing gold mining projects. Mr. Bennett has over 32 years of management and business operation experience. He has over 20 years of management consultant & Import/Export experience.

He spent 2012 & 2013 in Liberia managing the Feasibility phase and preparing for production at a Gold Mine Project in Liberia. Since 2016 he has made regular trips to Sierra Leone to explore, formalize relationships/agreements with established mineral suppliers for Carver. He is recognized for strategic planning & implementation of projects.

Executive Vice President

Responsible for coordinating Financial Accounting functions and organizing Logistics for Gold sales. Over 20 years of management and engineering experience. He has led Mining operations in Ghana and Liberia.

Accomplished Manager who delivers cost-effective, optimized solutions to mining and commodity problems.  Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas. His specialty is Material Science.

Louis Pearl, Gemologist Consultant (G.I.A.)

Mr. Pearl has more than 40 years of experience in the Diamond trade working in mining, importing and distribution of rough Diamonds and polished Diamonds. He has extensive experience in rough gem grade Diamond sorting, grading, evaluation, pricing and manifest preparation. Mr. Pearl, graduated as a gemologist from G.I.A (Gemological Institute of America) in 1975. He has worked in: India, China, Taiwan, Belgium, Switzerland, Israel, Brazil, Angola, Congo, South Africa, Namibia, Guinea, Kenya, Sierra Leone, Botswana, Canada and the US.

Mohamed Corneh, Vice President of Operations

Mr. Corneh was New Horizon Minerals operations manager for a gold mining operation in Liberia. Mr. Corneh will assist in buying Gold from mines in Liberia and staff our office in Monrovia, Liberia. He has extensive contacts in the mining areas (Liberia & Sierra Leone) to acquire gold at negotiated prices. He has contacts inside Lands, Mines, and Energy Ministry to facilitate export documents and compliance. He also has relationships in the National Legislature who can handle any governmental matters with Liberia and Sierra Leone.

Mr. Corneh also speaks several local languages that are most spoken in the mining areas of Liberia and Sierra Leone.