Diamond Purchasing


Carver has access to Export Licenses in Freetown, Sierra Leone and in Monrovia, Liberia.  Each local office has an intimate knowledge of its market needs, and strives to offer the best possible service to its customers.   Balancing supply of our loose Diamonds reduces our exposure to any one market, and gives us flexibility to capture opportunities as demand changes.


Carver's Senior Diamond buyer is based in Liberia with 20+ years’ experience buying rough gem grade Diamonds in Sierra Leone and Liberia.  Our buyer has secured Diamond suppliers who will sell rough gem grade Diamonds to Carver at a negotiated discount.


Carver also has a world class gemologist, Louis Pearl, on staff who has extensive experience buying rough gem grade Diamonds in West Africa.


Carver has supply sources to purchase 500 to 1,500 carats of rough gem grade Diamonds per month from Diamond suppliers in  Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea. Carver secures our supply chain by assisting miners in their production. In exchange, Carver secures commitments from our mining suppliers to insure a steady flow of Diamonds.

Liberia and Sierra Leone were selected because of our current knowledge of the country’s rough Diamond policy and our vast network of rough Diamond miners, suppliers and dealers, and its easy access to all our secondary procurement countries. The offices will handle building on the present network of suppliers, procuring, grading, sorting and exporting to our buyers.

